Travel, Hospitality, Conference and Event Expenditures Training (THCEE)

Product code: FIN-0003


Delivery method

Delivery method

Virtual classroom



2.25 hours



All public servants at all levels



This training is to inform SSC personnel of the requirements and guiding principles for the approval of travel, hospitality, conference and event requirements. Examples and exercises are used to reinforce the participants’ understanding and to ensure better knowledge control.

The purpose of this training is to assist Shared Services Canada (SSC) managers and employees establishing principles that are the cornerstone for the management of government THCEE and shall guide all employees and managers in achieving fair, reasonable and modern THCEE practices across the department

Target Audience
All SSC employees who wish to have a better understanding of THCEE requirements and approval authority required.

Legacy course code: FIN-THCEE-SSC

No Current Offerings

Date modified: 2023-11-07