Specimen Signature Record

Product code: FIN-0008


Delivery method

Delivery method

Virtual classroom



1 hour



All public servants at all levels



​This training explains what a specimen signature record (SSR) is, the types of delegation granted, the SSR requirements, the critical errors as per a quality assurance review and the roles and responsibilities associated to SSR.

Examples and exercises are used for better understanding and knowledge check.

​The purpose of this training is to assist Shared Services Canada (SSC) personnel who are involved in preparing, reviewing and/or approving SSR to standardize SSR practices across the department and to maintain accurate SSR to ensure timely transactions in accordance with the Financial Administration Act (FAA).

Target Audience
​All SSC employees who wish to have a better understanding of the specimen signature record.​

Legacy course code: FIN-SSR-SSC

No Current Offerings

Date modified: 2023-11-07