GCdocs Training - Group Leads

Product code: GIM-0003


Delivery method

Delivery method

Virtual classroom



0.5 hour



All SSC employees at all levels



​Access Groups play a central role in GCdocs, granting members with the permissions they require to access documents within their division’s File Plan. It is critical, therefore, that membership to an Access Group be kept up-to-date. The most efficient means of administering Access Groups is at the division level through a member designated as a Group Lead. Group Leads are responsible for adding new users and removing departed members from their Access Group on an on-going basis ensuring membership of their Access Groups is always up to date.

​This instructor-led training session provides participants with an overview of Access Groups and how they work; the roles and responsibilities of Group Leads.

Topics covered include:

  • An overview of Access Groups and how they work
  • The roles and responsibilities of Group Leads

Target Audience
​All SSC employees

Legacy course code: GCD-GL-SSC

No Current Offerings

Date modified: 2023-11-07