The Resiliency Workshop for Executives – Strategies to manage stress

Product code: GRH-0041


Delivery method

Delivery method

Virtual classroom



3 hours




Directors General




Executives must have resilience skills to deal with change and uncertain environments effectively. These skills help executives deal with the stress that change brings.

In this workshop, you will learn how to reduce stress, build resiliency, and create a renewed sense of physical and emotional fitness through tools and strategies that improve workplace and individual health.

Learning Objectives

In this interactive virtual training delivered by an experienced senior leader, executives will have an opportunity to learn and reflect on their resiliency, adaptability, and stress management skills.

The topics covered in this training are:

  • Define and identify what stress and resilience are for you.
  • Understand where stress comes from and how to manage it.
  • Learn about the different levels of stress, which ones are good for us, and which ones are not.
  • Develop ways to manage stress and cope better.
  • Begin to build your resilience through a variety of strategies.
  • Use control mechanisms to increase personal effectiveness and build resilience to manage stress.
  • Build a personal resilience plan that you can apply to almost any situation.
  • Participants are asked to bring a personal example related to topic at the workshop

Target Audience

Executives (EX-01/IT-05 to EX-05)


Facilitated by : Jacqueline McGinn

No Current Offerings

Date modified: 2024-01-24