Federal Hazardous Occurrence Investigations

Product code: GRH-0067

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60 minutes



All public servants at all levels



The purpose of a hazardous occurrence investigation is to find the root causes, address gaps, and prevent similar events from occurring. As a federal employer, you are required to investigate, record, and report all accidents, occupational diseases, and other hazardous occurrences, as part of the Canada Labour Code, Part II. You must also support health and safety committees and representatives during the investigative process.

This course provides information to work place parties in the federal jurisdiction on how to carry out their respective responsibilities when conducting an investigation under the Canada Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, Part XV - Hazardous Occurrence Investigation, Recording and Reporting.

Note that this process does not apply to occurrences of harassment and violence.

Learning Objectives

  • Become familiar with regulatory requirements
  • Learn about the various work place parties’ roles in investigation
  • Be prepared to conduct a complete investigation, including how to:
    • Assess the accident scene
    • Collect evidence
    • Interview witnesses
    • Conduct an analysis to find root causes
    • Develop effective recommendations to prevent a recurrence
    • Document (including reporting) and follow up
  • Incorporate investigative activities into your overall occupational health and safety program
  • Support health and safety representatives and committee members in carrying out their responsibilities
  • Describe how a health and safety program depends on employee participation

Target Audience

  1. Policy and work place health and safety committee members, and health and safety representatives
  2. Managers and supervisors in federally regulated organizations
  3. Human resources and health and safety professionals working in federally regulated organizations


  1. Canada Labour Code, Part II: An Overview (WMT110)
  2. Preventing Harassment and Violence in the Workplace for Employees (WMT101)
  3. Preventing Harassment and Violence in the Workplace for Managers and Health and Safety Committees (WMT102)


Please choose the language of the course carefully. If you change languages, you will need to restart the course and we will be invoiced for both courses.

This course has been updated to include what a hazardous occurrence can be; reporting requirements for accidents, occupational diseases and other hazardous occurrences; and details required for minor injury reports.

Date modified: 2024-10-10