Microsoft Outlook 365

Product code: ITI-0064


Delivery method

Delivery method

Virtual classroom



7 hours (2 half days)



All SSC employees at all levels



Notice: SSC incurs expenses for the Microsoft sessions regardless of attendance. Please be mindful and committed to your registration. If your plans change, please cancel 12 business days prior to the course start date.

Use the functionalities in Outlook to communicate more effectively and manage your time better. Add your contacts to your list of contacts and create groups of contacts in order to optimize the sending of mass e-mails.
Introduction – Outlook in the M365 ecosystem

  • The different ways to access Outlook in the M365 ecosystem
  • Via Office Online
  • Via the desktop application
  • The differences

Chapter 1 - General concepts:

  • Create a dashboard in the Outlook Calendar;
  • Work effectively in the Calendar section to better manage appointments and improve daily and weekly planning,
  • Work effectively in the Tasks section to better manage following-up of files, whether they are customer, project, administrative or other files,
  • Centralize tasks so as to better prioritized them and eliminate long to-do lists, piles of paperwork and post-it notes that clutter the desktop,
  • Work on emails that generate tasks and follow-ups.

Chapter 2 - Time management concepts covered during the training:

  • Going beyond just managing time to using time efficiently,
  • Nine essential time management skills,
  • The impact of scattered tasks,
  • The importance of follow-ups in time management,
  • The importance and benefits of daily and weekly planning.

Chapter 3 - Outlook as a time management tool:

  • Introduction to time management.
  • Optimization of the software and creation of the time management dashboard (Managing displays and activating important options to start off correctly).
  • The 4 distinct time management elements in Microsoft Outlook.
  • The effects of silo work or scattering.
  • The winning path to being well organized.
  • Managing a task’s follow-up dates.
  • Managing categories and priorities.
  • Managing of files, customers and project follow-ups.
  • Managing alerts to reduce interruptions.
  • Email life cycle.
  • Introduction to sorting.
  • Managing emails over time using tracking and task options.
  • Creating and managing appointments and events.
  • How to plan your time with Microsoft Outlook and/or To-Do
  • Why is planning an essential activity in time management?

Chapter 4 - Outlook as a communication tool:

  • Identify elements that can help or hinder time management
  • Define when, how and why to use email
  • Manage time loss due to email interruptions
  • Use the To, CC and CCI fields more judiciously
  • Use folders wisely in Outlook
  • Conduct effective research
  • Create messaging rules to reduce the number of emails in the inbox and sort them more easily and efficiently
  • Automate some repetitive actions using fast actions
  • Create email templates and QuickParts
  • Understand the email lifecycle and best practices for tracking and remembering everything,
  • Create email templates and QuickParts,
  • The email lifecycle and best practices for tracking and remembering everything,
  • For Office 365 users
    • How Microsoft Teams can help improve communications management, reduce CCs and foster collaboration while being more efficient.

Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to accomplish the following :

  • Understanding the principle concepts and functions of the Outlook interface
  • Sending and receiving messages
  • Managing messages
  • Managing your schedule with Calendar and Tasks
  • Managing your contacts

Target Audience
SSC Employees who use Microsoft Outlook

​This course is intended for participants who are already familiar with Microsoft Outlook.

Legacy course code: MS365-OK-SSC

No Current Offerings

Date modified: 2023-11-07