Project Management Forum - Streamlining Project Management Board related Templates

Product code: OPS-0012-E003


Delivery method

Delivery method

Virtual classroom



1.5 hours



All public servants at all levels



The Project Management Centre of Excellence (PMCoE) will provide insights on updates to gating templates (1-6) and Project Change Request templates for both Shared Services Canada and Customer-Led projects appearing at Project Management Board (PMB.

The forums last 1.5 hours in each Official Language and occur on the same day (French in the morning and English in the afternoon).

Learning Objectives


This presentation will guide participants through:

• Updates to Gate 1 to 6 Templates for SSC and Customer-led Projects

• Revisions to the Project Change Request (PCR) Template for SSC and Customer-led Projects.

The presentation will be followed by an open conversation on the same topic.

The presentation will be followed by an open conversation on the same topic.

Target Audience
The SSC Project Management (PM) Community at large.

The SSC’s PM Community includes (but is not limited to): Project Sponsors, Directors, Project Managers, Project Team Members, Project Support Office (PSO), Project Support Staff, Project Review and Oversight (PRO) Leads and anyone involved with a project at SSC.

The PM Forums have a maximum value of 1.5 professional development units (PDU) with PMI and AXELOS. The precise value will depend on the length of each forum.

Legacy course code: PM-FOR / GP-FOR

No Current Offerings

Date modified: 2024-05-15